Usually they ask for help on how to start the first days of school. All teachers are different and will approach this in different ways...but to me the most important thing is to teach, practice, practice and practice ( yes that was there on purpose!) rules and procedures.
No matter what kind of teacher you are you need to know what you want your classroom to look like and how it will work so you can teach the kiddos how your class works. Your expectations/ rules are likely to be different from their previous teacher and the students have been home for summer! They need to learn how to do school in your classroom - they aren't mind readers - teach them. If you want kids to sharpen pencils, ask to use the bathroom, line up, ask a question, get help a certain way you need to know this and TEACH this for a smooth year.
Here are some questions you should know the answers to before day 1 ! =) It's OK to change procedures if something isn't working down the road- but you'll need to explain and practice again. This will all depend on your school and style...but if you know the answers to these questions you're well on your way!
Entering the class / getting started..
When/where to students line up/meet before school? (can they come in? Do they eat breakfast, play or meet on the yard?)
Where do their items (backpack/jacket) go?
(On the 1st day where will they put supplies? All schools handle supplies differently. Some do this at Back to School night before class begins and some do this as kids come in on day 1... )
Did you teach this procedure? Or will you need to later?
We’re in… time to start.. now what?
What will students do as you welcome students, take attendance, meet parents…?
How is lunch count/ attendance taken then entered or submitted?
(On the 1st day confirm you have all the students and the right ones!)
How will you introduce yourself/ let the kids meet each other?
RULES and Procedures to teach..
How/when can a student :
Ask to go to the bathroom? (Pass?)
Get a drink?
Go to the office? (Pass?)
Get a bandaid?
Get a tissue?
Ask for help?
Sharpen their pencil?
Call mom/dad?
Use their cell phone?
Come back into class? (for forgotten items at lunch/recess/after school..)
How do you want the students to…
Greet you/ other adults or visitors?
Line up? (before school, lunch, recess, on the way to/from somewhere)
Turn in their finished paper?
Handle unfinished papers/assignments?
Turn in / check homework?
Give you a note from home?
Stop and listen? (attention getters)
Walk through the hall?
Get supplies/check out books…?
School Procedures you need to know and share with students!
When/ where is recess? What are the rules? Boundaries, snacks, equipment… how and where to line up after?
When/where is lunch? (how to do lunch count, turn in $, bring their lunch…)
School wide rules-- hats, cell phones, gum, Any dress code or banned items?
Conflict management or concerns a student has.. Who can they talk to and when?
Emergency procedures-- For each emergency and what to do/ where to go?
School/district wide teacher “need to knows…”
Is there a pacing calendar that you must follow?
What assessments are due and when?
What can you keep/ send home? (some things are not allowed home/required to be passed on for next years teacher/the office)
How to do you address concerns (academic, social, emotional) with a student? (Counseling, SST, IEP procedures)?
School wide discipline/reward policies?
Technology/ photography/ video… releases for parents to sign? Do students need permission to be on tech or appear in photos/videos?
Room parents/ other parent volunteers? Procedures? (permission, releases, trainings needed? What is OK for parents to check or help with - policies?)
School parties or food in class policy?
Policies for birthdays and other holidays?
When report cards/conferences are required and what needs to be done? Expectations?